Walk in groupLIFE
We are so glad you have landed on this page!
A small group is God’s idea. It was created BY HIM and FOR HIM with YOU in mind.
He designed it for your benefit, so you could know Him better and become more like Him.
WE BELIEVE small groups are an essential part of God’s plan to reach the world with the GOSPEL… the good news about JESUS.
WE BELIEVE God desires every person to BELONG to His family and GROW as a DISCIPLE.
WE BELIEVE the best way to make DISCIPLES is by walking in groupLIFE TOGETHER.
WE BELIEVE God designed small groups to ENGAGE a world in need by placing them AMONG THE PEOPLE.
WE BELIEVE small groups should be the purest expression of the church.
We call this expression groupLIFE, and God desires HIS PEOPLE to participate.
Our groupFINDER will introduce you to several groups that are currently walking TOGETHER in groupLIFE.
Whether it is at Crossroads or somewhere else, God has the PERFECT group for you.