Our Vision
Our vision for 2030 is to reclaim our community for Christ by seeing 2000 people CONNECT to a small group where they can GROW in authentic community, SHARE their gifts and the gospel, and MULTIPLY disciples that make more disciples.
At Crossroads we believe everyone has a part to play in reaching people for Christ when we all GO BIG.
Our Vision
Our vision for 2030 is to reclaim our community for Christ by seeing 2000 people CONNECT to a small group where they can GROW in authentic community, SHARE their gifts and the gospel, and MULTIPLY disciples that make more disciples.
At Crossroads we believe everyone has a part to play in reaching people for Christ when we all GO BIG.

The Impact of Pathways
Our God sized goal to BUILD BIG is $50,000. Prayerfully, we intend to raise these funds over the next 2 months. We currently have $9000 in this fund to go towards the first of the projects below.
God willing, look for the first of these projects to be completed in April of 2022.
The benefits to our Sunday Worship experience, our student ministry, online experience, and safety in our children’s ministry make this an important step in making disciples for Christ in our community.
Multi-Purpose Room Upgrade
The room across the hall from the auditorium gets a lot of use – small groups, Celebrate Recovery, Crosswalk Student Ministry, Faith Bible Institute, staff meetings, and other events all use this space. This upgrade incorporates new carpet, fresh paint, and a change of lighting from fluorescent to LED fixtures.
Better Signage
Auditorium Upgrades
In order to effectively light the stage, enance our online presentation, and comfortably condition the space; this initiatie will replace the existing fabric duct with hard ductwork, giving better air distribution. With the large duct out of the center of the stage, we will invest in more and better stage lighting and controls to give Sundays a finished look in person and on the screen.
Camera Upgrades
In order to ensure accountability, safety, and security to all our spaces, the current camera system will require an upgrade. This will result in cameras in all necessary areas and an upgrade in the quality of the picture. This initiative will help protect all who come, and all who serve at Crossroads more effectively.
Finished Floors
Student Room Upgrade

Multi-Purpose Room Upgrade
The room across the hall from the auditorium gets a lot of use – small groups, Celebrate Recovery, Crosswalk Student Ministry, Faith Bible Institute, staff meetings, and other events all use this space. This upgrade incorporates new carpet, fresh paint, and a change of lighting from fluorescent to LED fixtures.
Better Signage
Auditorium Upgrades
In order to effectively light the stage, enance our online presentation, and comfortably condition the space; this initiatie will replace the existing fabric duct with hard ductwork, giving better air distribution. With the large duct out of the center of the stage, we will invest in more and better stage lighting and controls to give Sundays a finished look in person and on the screen.
Camera Upgrades
In order to ensure accountability, safety, and security to all our spaces, the current camera system will require an upgrade. This will result in cameras in all necessary areas and an upgrade in the quality of the picture. This initiative will help protect all who come, and all who serve at Crossroads more effectively.
Finished Floors
Student Room Upgrade