Pastor Rod Zwemke - January 5, 2020
The Family - Part 1

From Series: "The Family"
For most of us, membership means belonging in order to benefit. When we sign up to be a member of a rewards program, it’s not usually because we love that company, but because we can get discounts and offers on their products. So, when you and I think about being a member of a church, we need to redirect our thinking to God’s version of membership. When we join the local church, we are joining the family of God. In this family, God is our Heavenly Father, and we are brothers and sisters. In this family, we are committed to caring for each other. This family has shared values and beliefs. In this family we have a standard, and that standard is love. We will learn to be the family that God intended and to love one another like Jesus has loved us. If we do, the world around us will take notice!